Ray'aan : A Video Intro
Ray'aan, is a youth-centered edutainment hub, that fosters a collective environment dedicated to holistic career development, future empowerment, and support for the youth of the MENA region.

The Project is located in Lusail Commercial Boullevard in Qatar. Situated on the 4th and 5th floor of an 10 floor Building. The fourth floor includes public edutainment spaces catered towards the youth and the public in Qatar. The services include, a Career and Financial Literacy Center, "Youth of the future" Exhibition, workshop studio, and an Outdoor Communal with entrepreneurial stalls.

Workshop Studio : Rendered Elevation
The elevation, showing the Workshop Studio Space, represents the nurturing of the growing seeds of future careers, where the youth are able to engage in community program workshops that aid them in future progression. The built-in wall system includes multiple use arches, for bookshelf storage, interactive digital screens, and a lecture space with modular seating.

Recruitment Center - Rendered Interior Elevation
The Recruitment center features interchangeable booths that act as gateways into future opportunities for the youth in the region, allowing for direct communication with representatives within career sectors. The columns are designed to be comfortable seatings with tufted cushions, and provide resting points without obstructing circulation within the space.

Communal Garden with Entrepreneurial Stalls - 4TH Floor Outdoor Garden
The heart of the center is located on the Outdoor Communal Garden, where the youth entrepreneurs promote their ideas and products to the community. Prioritizing communal engagement, will promote the youth to venture into different career paths, while building a sense of belonging and individuality within the community.

Career and Financial Literacy Center - 5TH Floor
The Career and Financial Literacy Center provides resources for future opportunities and career paths, including interactive technologies and a multitude of physical and digital books. The design of the center is inspired by the process of planting a seed, and the journey of growth into a blooming plant, symbolizing the idea of find the seed of future careers and planting it, as the first step into venturing into the future.

"Youth of the Future" Exhibition - 4TH Floor
The "Youth of the Future" Exhibition features a collection of creative entries of the youth from around the region, which promotes recognizing and showcasing talented artists, researchers, designers, student work, and professional skills. The exhibition includes flexible display units that can feature new work per exhibition season, yet the focus on showcasing the talented youth of the future, remains as a key goal.
Community Based Design

Around "Ray'aan", community engagement is encouraged through modular and custom designed furniture, the enhance engagement and community interactions. Interchangeable booths include the Entrepreneurial Stalls in the Outdoor Communal Garden, and the Recruitment Center Stalls. Modularity, such as in the Workshop Studio Furniture, encouraging innovative use of pieces.
Thesis Development Phases
The process of finalizing my thesis project was through the development of phases; beginning from the conceptual phase, to schematic, to preliminary, before reaching the final.

Conceptual Phase
This phase included conceptual ideation, and solidifying the driving concept for Ray'aan. Beginning with precedent studies, to sketching forms, identifying design elements, and user-oriented design decisions.

Schematic Phase
This phase was focused on designing the physical space within our selected building site, diving more into design considerations and space design. This was the midpoint of my thesis development process.
BFA Thesis Poster Design
The final posters below, are the concluding designed posters that represent my BFA thesis, Ray'aan, and the evident research and visual communcation.